“We are all puppets, parts, expressions, qualities of a city. Our unique role is to give it life.” ‘Brussels Naked’ is an experimental novel in the form of twelve interconnected novellas, each named after municipalities or neighbourhoods in Brussels, and each with a different narrator. It covers a period of fifteen years and is built […]
“Welcome Nathan!”
“Welcome Nathan!” tells a story which is a rarity to hear and which is an even bigger rarity to be read. The loss of a child seems like an wound which is impossible to go through and which usually stays locked in silence where it delves an abys. This books has an unusual birth. Its
ريشة طائر البجع
صدرت حديثاً عن منشورات المتوسط – إيطاليا، رواية “ريشة طائر البجع” للكاتبة البلغارية إيرينا بابنشيڤا، أحد ألمع أسماء الرواية البلغارية الجديدة. ترجمت الرواية عن الإنكليزية أماني لازار وراجع الترجمة ودققها منصور العمري. الرواية هي قصة حب رومانسية يرويها صوتان مترابطان. أمٌ انتهى زواجها وتسعى لتجاوز الأزمة مستعينة بقدرتها على السخرية وبشجاعتها، وابن في بداية حب […]
“She, the island”
The paths of two couples – Marina and Gerard and the younger surfers, Carla and Gerd – cross on Fuerteventura. They meet a writer who is working on a novel about the exile of the real life philosopher Miguel de Unamuno in 1924. The writer soon finds herself lost in the labyrinth of their complex […]
Plume de pélican
Résumé Un petit garçon au centre d’un amour brisé. Un amour brisé à travers les yeux d’un petit garçon. Un petit garçon dans le frisson d’un amour naissant. Un amour naissant dans le cœur d’un petit garçon. Et plus : mère abandonnée et déprimée, père coupable et amoureux, amie gracieuse et séduisante, grand-mère énergique et […]
I Stutter
The first Bulgarian coloured book about stuttering. I Stutter tells the story of Emma who suddenly realises she has a stutter and has to face the bullying of her classmates. This short story mirrors the reality of the majority of stuttering children and provides an alternative solution to their suffering, the key to which lies […]