∕To my father∕ The young man from yesterday came again today. He appeared at the same time, around 10.30 a.m. and ordered a double coffee. He was around twenty, with dark brown curly hair and motley coloured eyes. I had a strange feeling at the first moment I saw him. He seemed familiar to […]
A story with a coco nut
My grandmother called on the phone and said she had a surprise for us and suggested we go and visit them. So much her style. She used to be a journalist. She has many connections and always manages to find something exclusive which she presents to us with aplomb. My grandmother is a woman of […]
The ship
She was sitting on the sofa, looking out the big panoramic window. Everything was turned towards the beach and the sea, overflowing in its immensity. The dusk was becoming denser and the water line was merging more and more with the darkening horizon. Only the waves were glittering for a short moment in their sudden […]
A Mermaid
∕Translated by Irina Sholeva∕ The day idly rolled over and stopped in the late afternoon. The parking lot on the outskirts of Burgas was filled with arriving cars. People got out of them, walked along the dusty road, crossed the railroad tracks and continued to the brine pool. In its rusty waters that smell […]